ONE of the Wee County’s oldest running clubs is marking its 25th anniversary this year.

The Wee County Harriers formed in May 1999 and has cemented itself as a popular group for keen runners in the area.

Initially forming with just 25 members, the club has since expanded to accommodate 276 runners across its senior and junior sections.

To mark the occasion, the Wee County Harriers enjoyed a relay event through Cochrane Park in Alva before hosting the club’s annual BBQ.

Club chairman Mark McDonald said: “We thought our membership numbers from last year would be difficult for us to beat, but we have surpassed them already with a quarter of the year still to go.

“The club continues to grow and we are delighted that a number of our founding members from 1999 remain active within the club.

“We pride ourselves on being a club where the primary focus is on fun and enjoyment.

“We do provide structured training sessions which are planned by qualified coaches, but we are more focused on enabling people to achieve their own personal goals.

“For some, it might be taking part in their first ever 10k, or building up to run a half or full marathon.

“We have a number of members who also participate in ultra-marathons. The club really is there to cater for members of all abilities.”

FOUNDED: Members of the Wee County Harriers taking part in the Edinburgh Marathon in 1999.FOUNDED: Members of the Wee County Harriers taking part in the Edinburgh Marathon in 1999. (Image: Wee County Harriers)

The membership totals for this year currently sit at 276, which is the highest the Wee County Harriers has ever had.

The club organise two key races each year – the Gartmorn 6 in March and the Cambus Quarter in August, which have become two staples of the Clacks calendar.

The Harriers have recently launched their Couch 2 10k programme, which puts people through a twelve week schedule to prepare for a 10k graduation run.

Mark continued: “We have seen members taking home prizes in different age categories at recent races, and our junior section is also hosting a number of very talented young runners.

“The future of the club looks really promising and we are always happy to have new members come along to join us.”

Anyone wishing to find out more about the Wee County Harriers can contact the club on their Facebook page or by emailing