ORGANISERS have thanked visitors and spectators for their support after the Famous Alva Games was held over the weekend.

The 166th edition of the Games was held on Saturday, July 13 at Johnstone Park, drawing in an incredible crowd of thousands.

Visitors touched down in Clacks from near and far to watch the Games, which provided entertainment throughout the full day.

Craig Dunbar, secretary for the Alva Games, was full of thanks for the people who attended the Games and was already looking ahead to next year.

“Well, that was a bit of a blast,” he said. “All over for another year.

“A huge crowd from across the globe was entertained to over seven hours of music, dancing sport and culture.

“And most of all, fun.”

As reported by the Advertiser, the Alva Games had expanded their programme to include female heavyweight events.

These events followed the introduction of junior heavyweight the year before and proved to be a big hit with participants and spectators alike.

This year’s guest of honour was Alex James Colquhoun, chairman of the Scottish section of the Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain.

The Guild and the Alva Games have held a long-standing friendship with each other, with Alex’s selection as guest of honour a way of paying thanks to the Guild.

Craig continued: “We would like to thank everyone who made this year possible – be you officials, competitors, sponsors, spectators, show folk or helpers.

“You each played your part to perfection. The park was cleared today by 12 noon and, as we say every year, it is so hard to believe that it was all happening just 24 hours earlier.

“The positive comments we have received make all of the unseen effort worth while but we never forget that we are there to entertain and we seem to have managed to do that from your kind comments.

“Thank you, everyone. Until July 12, 2025, have a great year.”

The organisers have already earmarked Saturday, July 12, as a date for what will be the 167th Famous Alva Games.