A STAPLE event in the Clacks calendar has been put forward for a Parliamentary motion of congratulations.

The Alva Games, which went ahead on Saturday, July 13, was in full swing as organisers held the 166th iteteration of the historic event.

Now, Alexander Stewart, MSP for Mid-Scotland and Fife, has lodged a congratulations in Parliament, receiving a number of cross-party MSP supporters.

The Tory MSP has been a long standing supporter of the Games and was in attendance in Johnstone Park on Saturday.

The motion, put forward to celebrate the Games, also acknowledged James Colquhoun, chair of the Scottish section of the Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain.

Mr Stewart said: “It was a great pleasure to attend again this year, the really superb and historic Alva Games at Johnstone Park, which this year is their 166th event.

“I was also delighted to lodge a Parliamentary motion recently, congratulating this wonderful community event and I commend everyone involved, wishing them the very best in their excellent endeavours."