I would like to thank the Alloa Advertiser for the opportunity of contributing to the Political Stand column in our local paper. 

I’d also like to pay tribute to my fellow candidates that were on the ballot paper.  Standing for any elected position that would see you represent people is a big decision and I respect anyone who wants to dedicate themselves to public service. 

Our Westminster constituency has changed - we are now Alloa & Grangemouth.  Our new constituency is made up of Clackmannanshire Council wards - Central, North, South, West and East with the exception of Dollar.  We then cross the River Forth taking in Grangemouth and then move inland right up to Torwood. 

Since becoming the Scottish Labour candidate in January, we ran a positive campaign based on offering solutions to the issues that matter most to people.  In just under six months, we spoke with over 9,000 people on doorsteps all over our constituency and I’ll reiterate what I said to so many of you while out campaigning - It doesn’t matter whether you voted for me, or for another candidate or even if you didn’t vote at all because I want to represent everyone from every community across Alloa & Grangemouth. 

I believe that political differences are healthy, but I also believe that division has to end.  This Labour government wants to change many things, including how Westminster works with Holyrood. 

While Scottish Labour won a majority of seats in Scotland, we appreciate that what Scotland needs is to have two governments cooperating and working together for the benefit of people, communities and our country. 

We need Westminster to work for Scotland and my Labour colleagues and I are committed to delivering economic stability, lowering your bills, cutting NHS waiting times, give over 200,000 Scots a pay rise with our New Deal for Working People and improve the public services we rely on.

This change in how government works was evident in my first week as your MP where I was involved in discussions that has led to Labour investing to help ensure the long term future of the Grangemouth site as part of our transition to green energy. 

It has been a whirlwind first few days as your MP and it was a fantastic end to the week when I went to Alva for the 166th edition of the Famous Games on Saturday.  It was great to see so many people and families enjoy the fairground attractions, the races and support the many local businesses that were there. 

Over the next few weeks I will be setting up a constituency office, recruiting staff and reaching out to local community groups from all over Clackmannanshire. 

If any constituent has an issue that I can help with, or if there is any community group that wants to get in touch with me, then please email: brian.leishman.mp@parliament.uk.

Thank you for this opportunity to represent and to serve you.