THE annual campaign to educate Clacks teenagers on the dangers of driving has named its first honorary patron.

Safe Drive, Stay Alive, an annual roadshow which features hard-hitting stories with a mission to inform future drivers on the dangers of careless driving, has named MSP Alexander Stewart as its honorary patron.

The Mid Scotland and Fife Scottish Conservative representative has been a long-time supporter of the project in a bid to help reduce road deaths and injuries across the Forth Valley.

Each year, the Safe Drive, Stay Alive (SDSA) road show reaches thousands of senior students from across Clacks, Stirling and Falkirk and it is understood plans for the 2025 campaign are progressing well.

Alan Faulds BCAc, chair of Central Safe Drive, Stay Alive, said: “He has been a huge supporter of SDSA and often champions us in the Scottish Parliament chambers, his determination to assist in reducing road deaths and injuries is fully aligned to what we do at SDSA.

“Alexander is our first patron and he is hugely welcomed by all the team who appreciate his support.”

Next year’s shows are almost completely full and Alan gave thanks to schools from across Clackmannanshire for continued attendance and support.

The emotional show features members of the police, fire service, ambulance service and also families and friends of people whose lives have been changed by dangerous driving.

With young people disproportionately more likely to be killed on roads than any other age group, those behind the initiative believe it is necessary to keep the annual show alive.

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MSP Stewart said: “I am humbled, deeply honoured and immensely grateful to be appointed as Central Safe Drive, Stay Alive’s first honorary patron.

“Since my initial Scottish Parliamentary Members’ Business Debate in support of Safe Drive back in March 2017, I have enthusiastically advocated for them and regularly campaigned for funding in parliament over two sessions and continue to do so, whenever the opportunity arises.

“I see the great value in Safe Drive’s stirring and highly emotive performances in tangibly improving road safety figures across our region, and significantly reducing fatalities on our local roads.

“In addition to all this, the tireless and dedicated work that Alan, Melanie, the emergency services and all the volunteers put in to sustain their performances is simply astonishing, highly commendable and is something I am privileged to continue supporting, both as a local MSP and now as honorary patron, well into the future.”