A PETITION has been launched to save the remains of a much-loved historic site in Alloa from demolition.

Carsebridge House went up in flames towards the end of August, with the building now without much of its interior and a roof.

Immediately after, a planning application submitted by owners AC Regeneration was submitted, asking permission from Clackmannanshire Council to demolish the building.

The application included an engineers’ report, which cited health and safety concerns as a key reason for its demolition.

Despite this, a group of history buffs have called for the council to reject the application and invest into Alloa’s heritage.

The petition was started by Dana Livingstone, a Wee County resident who says she is fed up of watching the area’s heritage deteriorate.

She said: “I am a local resident of Clackmannanshire, where our distinct industrial past and whisky roots are embodied by structures like the historic Carsebridge House.

“Built around 1799, the house, prominent on the hill of the Carsebridge site, resonates with the majority of locals who have familial ties and a poignant reminder of our history.

“Neglected by its current owner and ravaged by fire, the house is facing an even greater threat – potential demolition for new development.

“This must be stopped.”

The fire was reported to emergency services at around 10pm on the evening of Thursday, August 29.

Fire appliances attended and spent five hours controlling the blaze, which tore through the inside of the building and caused the roof to cave in.

The fire could be seen across Clacks and was still smouldering more than 12 hours after the fire was started.

Dana continued: “Many of us have watched with heavy hearts as Carsebridge House, like much of Clackmannanshire’s listed heritage, has been allowed to deteriorate.

“Every brick that crumbles, every piece of history lost, detracts from our identity, our collective memory, and our connections to the past.

“It is a pattern all too familiar: our heritage being gambled away for the sake of profit and greed.

“Every voice raised in objection sends a powerful message to the owners, the developers, and the local council: the people of Clackmannanshire value their heritage.

“We need firm steps to be taken – the remains of Carsebridge House should be protected, and the plans to bulldoze the remains which have now been submitted to Clackmannanshire Council must be halted.”

The proposals were sent to the council’s planning team, which will look over the application and submit a response in due course.

The engineers’ report indicated that the building was no longer structurally sound, indicating no other option but demolition.

“Investing in our heritage is investing in Clackmannanshire’s future,” Dana added. “Stand with us to make a change.

“Demand the restoration and preservation of the Carsebridge House.”

At the time of writing, Dana’s petition has 282 signatures and can be found at https://www.change.org/p/save-and-restore-carsebridge-house.