A WOMAN is scaling 16 Munros in 16 days in memory of a friend violently murdered by her boyfriend of only a few weeks.

Viv Fairweather has been battling wind, rain and fog as part of the challenge ahead of the global 16 Days of Activism campaign in a bid to raise awareness and help end violence against women and girls.

It is a personal matter for the inspirational Clackmannanshire Women’s Aid support worker, who has already raised thousands of pounds for the charity with the effort.

Viv has taken on the challenge in memory of friend and colleague Claire Inglis, who was murdered by Christopher McGowan in her St Ninians flat on November 28 in 2021.

He was a known criminal with a string of convictions.

He was released on bail from prison with the court ordering that he stays at home with the mum-of-one, whom he had been in a relationship with for only eight weeks.

McGowan was jailed for a minimum of 23 years for the murder, which was described as "beyond sadistic" by the judge.

Remembering her dear friend, Viv told the Advertiser: “Claire was the kindest, most caring person ever.

“She worked in the nursery with me in the baby room and she was just a natural caring person – she was so good with the babies.

“All the staff and parents at the nursery loved her, she was so good at her job because it came naturally to her.”

Viv believes the system let her friend down badly in 2021 and Claire’s young son has been left without his dear mother as a result.

She said: “A totally tragic ending and a really horrific murder.

“I’ve had Claire’s picture on one of my T-shirts when I’ve been doing some of the Munros in memory of her and I know it’s really helped the family.”

At the time of writing on Monday, Viv already completed 11 Munros with five left to bag by the Sunday.

She has been trying to plan them around the weather, but faced 40mph winds, torrential rain and even fog in some places while being greeted by sunshine elsewhere in true Scottish fashion.

Viv remains undeterred in finishing the challenge, with each hill climbed marking a step toward an end to gender-based violence.

(Image: Viv Fairweather)

She has been travelling around Scotland with the challenge and has been able to spread the word far and wide, meeting many people along the way.

Viv is using the fundraiser to create online content for the global 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence kicking off on November 25, all while raising much-needed funds for Clacks Women’s Aid.

Already, more than £1,800 has been raised online with some £1,300 still to be added from offline donations.

Viv has been “absolutely blown away” by the support shown.

A registered charity, Clackmannanshire Women’s Aid offers support, information and refuge to women and young people impacted by domestic abuse.

Women in need of support can call 01259 721 407 or email info@clackswomensaid.org.uk.

Visit tinyurl.com/3by7x4ff to support Viv’s fundraiser.