THE Scottish Liberal Democrats have called for a national register of buildings found to contain RAAC.

This has been campaigned for after it was decided that more than 500 homes in Aberdeen affected by the crumbly concrete would have to be torn down.

In Clackmannanshire, there are three flat blocks, containing more than 30 flats, that had to be evacuated owing to dangers surround the concrete.

It was also reported in November that one in 50 council homes in Clacks have been found to contain some traces of RAAC.

While those in Aberdeen have been informed of the fate of their homes, Tillicoultry residents remain in the dark for answers.

The Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton has pressed the Government for an update on the number of council houses affected, insisting it had become a national crisis.

He said: “In Aberdeen, hundreds of people have had their lives turned upside down.

“No one should have to worry about whether the roof above their head could pose a danger to them or their family.

“The Scottish Government has been astonishingly cavalier about the presence of dangerous concrete.

“For a year now, my party has been calling for a fund that will support authorities in addressing RAAC, but it seems the SNP would rather look the other way.

“We need a national register of buildings with RAAC in place and for the Scottish Government to work with local authorities to ensure that these sites are made safe and that measures are in place for public authorities to work together and share relevant recommendations and learning among them.”

A meeting was set to go ahead between Clackmannanshire Councillors to discuss options for the flats affected, but this was postponed.

As of yet, residents are no closer to learning their fate, with the one year anniversary of the first evacuation approaching this month.

Paul McLennan, housing minister, added: “The Scottish Government takes RAAC very seriously and we have established regular meetings with public bodies and private sector bodies to ensure best practice is shared across sectors impacted by RAAC.

“Maintaining the safety of buildings is the responsibility of building owners.

“We expect building owners that have identified RAAC to communicate that fact with staff, tenants, service users and others that access buildings.”