AN ALVA pensioner, previously jailed for drug-dealing, was caught offending again by police.

Officers caught 71-year-old Peter Kerr red-handed in a car, alongside £1,800-worth of herbal cannabis, two sets of scales and more than £700 in cash.

Kerr, of Craighorn Road, appeared at Alloa Sheriff Court having previously admitted that on July 29 last year at High Street, Tillicoultry, he was concerned in the supply of cannabis.

Sheriff Neil Bowie noted it was Kerr’s third conviction for analogous matters and he had already been jailed for one of them.

Sheriff Bowie was not convinced by Kerr’s explanation to social workers that he had the drugs to supply his middle-aged children.

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He said: “The explanation which is given I do not accept. Saying he was supplying his grown-up children, who are middle-aged, strikes me as being incredible.

“What age are they? In their 50s? The court is not going to accept that explanation without hearing the evidence.”

Sentencing was deferred for Kerr to undergo surgery and a proof in mitigation will take place to establish the facts on September 25.