A SELECTION of Clackmannanshire’s biggest musical talents are coming together to raise funds in memory of a young man who passed away last year.

Aiden Joyce was aged just 28 when he died from an undiagnosed coronary heart anomaly in March 203.

Since his passing, Aiden’s parents Lorraine and Campbell have kept Aiden’s legacy alive by establishing a memorial fund in his name.

This money is put towards hosting heart screening events, with the first session taking place at Alva Academy in May.

Now, a charity gig is being held this week, featuring some big names across the Wee County music catalogue.

Aiden’s former teacher David Clifford, music principal teacher at Alva Academy, will be the compere on the night, which has been set for Saturday, August 31 at the Devonvale Hall.

Speaking to the Advertiser, David said: “Aiden is a former music pupil of mine and like an awful lot of pupils who do a lot for the school, I got to know him really well.

“He kept in touch after he left and he helped out with the care home initiative we did which was lovely.

“When he passed away, it was a big shock and his family got in touch and I was honoured and privileged to be asked to play at his funeral.

“They donated his piano to the music department at Alva Academy and I used that piano at the funeral, which is what I’m going to do again at this gig night.

“The local music scene got in touch to put on this gig night to raise even more money and it has now sold out, so it’s set to raise more than £500.

“This gives the community a chance to come together to celebrate something Aiden loved and I absolutely love that.”

The band night is being organised by Jamie Piggott, who will also perform during the fundraiser as part of his band Nae Danger.

Joining him on the bill is Alloa band Vida -- featuring Jamie Piggott jr -- along with Martin Mullady and Factor Forte.

Tickets have sold out but anyone missing out is urged to keep an eye out on social media from pictures and videos from the evening, and to look out for future events organised in memory of Aiden.

David further explained that Aiden’s parents, Lorraine and Campbell, have been hard at work organised events and fundraisers for Cardiac Risk in the Young, a charity devoted to finding and treating undiagnosed heart conditions in people aged 30 and under.

David added: “Since Aiden passed away last year, Lorraine and Campbell have thrown themselves into doing whatever they can to ensure young people up to the age of 30 are able to be screened for undiagnosed heart conditions.

“Lorraine and Campbell have undertaken lots of work, got the community involved and raised so much money for Cardiac Risk in the Young, allowing them to screen 200 young people for heart conditions.

“Since then, they’ve raised a further £1400 to screen a further 200 people next May which we’re absolutely delighted about.

“Last year, out of the 200 screened, 15 were sent for further tests and examinations so it could have saved the lives of people we know.”