HEALTH chiefs are urging parents to help their young ones beat the flu this winter.

The flu vaccine will be offered to all school-aged pupils, all children aged two to five not yet in school and children aged six months to 24 months with a condition that puts them at risk of the disease, NHS Forth Valley explained.

The vaccine will be offered as a painless nasal spray to almost all children, offering the best possible protection for young people.

The nasal spray cannot give the child flu and starts to provide protection within 10-14 days.

Fiona Coan, immunisation manager at NHS Forth Valley, said: “The flu virus changes every year, that’s why it’s important to get an annual vaccination so that your child has the most up to date protection.

“Getting your child vaccinated against flu can also protect them from other infections with bacteria that can follow flu and prevent them from getting sick and missing out on nursery, school or other activities.”

Appointment letters for children aged 6 months to two years and at risk, and for those aged two to five and not yet un school will start arriving at homes from the end of August and vaccinations will start from September 16.

Parents and carers should call the number on their child’s letter if their child has missed their appointment or needs to reschedule.

Consent forms and further information will be sent home to parents and carers of school children on return to school.

Secondary school pupils can self-consent but are encouraged to speak to a parent or carer first.

Pupils with consent will be given the nasal spray at school, starting in early September and running through to December.

Fiona added: “Please look out for your child’s appointment letter by post or a consent form in their school bag.

“Be sure to complete and return the consent form to their school to ensure they get the vital protection this year’s flu vaccine offers.”