THE return of peak rail fares will be a “hammer blow” for Clacks train commuters come autumn.

ScotRail peak fares are set to be reintroduced at the end of September amid Scottish Government financial challenges, it has been revealed.

The year-long pilot scheme, which was extended in May and saw peak fares subsidised by the Scottish Government, had a “limited degree of success”, according to Transport Scotland.

Scottish Green MSP Mark Ruskell said the move will be a “hammer blow to the many workers all over Scotland who have to travel every day but have no say on when they need to be at work”.

The Mid Scotland and Fife representative, who in May called for the pilot to be extended, added: “Ending peak rail fares is something that the Scottish Greens pushed hard for alongside rail workers unions and anti-poverty campaigners and I know many will be angry to see the SNP bringing them back like this.

“By reducing fares we were able to support hundreds of thousands of commuters through the cost of living crisis while encouraging them to leave their cars at home."

While the pilot has seen a limited increase in passenger numbers, it did not achieve aims of encouraging a "significant" shift from car to rail.

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Fiona Hyslop, cabinet secretary for transport, said: “The pilot primarily benefitted existing train passengers and those with medium to higher incomes.

“Although passenger levels increased to a maximum of around 6.8 per cent, it would require a 10 per cent increase in passenger numbers for the policy to be self-financing."

The transport secretary has announced a 12-month discount on all ScotRail season tickets to help commuters.

The terms of flexipasses are also to be amended and “super off-peak tickets” will be introduced while the government would be “open to consider future subsidy to remove peak fares should UK budget allocations to the Scottish Government improve in future years”.

Clacks SNP MSP Keith Brown added: "And, whilst it may be regrettable that the pilot has had to come to an end, the new measures being brought in will, I am sure, be welcomed by those of my constituents who travel during peak times.

"Encouraging more road users onto more sustainable transport is an important contributor to seeing Scotland meet our net zero target and I encourage my constituents to take up these newly announced initiatives.”

Scottish Conservative Mid Scotland and Fife MSP Alexander Stewart slammed the price increases to come and said: "These price hikes are a world away from the affordable and reliable rail service the SNP promised when they took ScotRail under their control two years ago."

Labour regional MSP Claire Baker is also urging the Scottish Government to do more to make rail travel more affordable and said: "Too many people are priced off rail as a valid travel option and if the Scottish Government is serious about improving affordability and reducing car use it has to change that.”