A TULLIBODY man acted aggressively towards his partner and damaged his mum’s window in a separate offence.

As a result, 27-year-old Dale Ross, of Main Street, appeared at Alloa Sheriff Court for sentencing having admitted the offences.

On October 29 at The Orchard, Tullibody, he damaged property by forcing open a bedroom window.

On December 9 at his home he repeatedly shouted and swore at his partner and acted aggressively towards her.

Depute fiscal Sean Iles said that at 5.50am Ross had gone to his mother’s home and pressed the buzzer.

He shouted: “Mum, will you let me in” but she told him to go away."

However, instead of leaving, Ross forced the window off its hinges, leaving the council property damaged.

Defence solicitor Robert Smith said: “He has very little recollection as he’d been drinking.

"He had gone to his mum’s house, she wouldn’t let him in and he reacted in this way.”

Sheriff Neil Bowie imposed a community payback order with two years of supervision and participation in the Caledonian Programme for domestic offenders.

READ MORE: Alloa man’s door was kicked by his female neighbour

Ross was also ordered to pay £200 compensation to the council for the damage to the window.

Ross is already on a community payback order with 270 hours of unpaid work for vandalism to a bus.

A party of schoolchildren from the Czech Republic had their trip to Scotland disrupted after Ross trashed their parked bus after taking crack cocaine.