MORE than 300,000 trees have been planted at Dumyat as part of a nationwide initiative to see millions planted across Scotland.

The Future Forest Company announced that, as part of World Conservation Day celebrations, they have planted upwards of 1.5 million trees in the country.

This initiative sees the company continue their pledge to reforestation, biodiversity and conservation efforts.

As part of the scheme, Dumyat was chosen as a key site for the planting project, with 340,000 trees planted across 480 hectares since 2023.

Jamie Adcock, senior forest manager at The Future Forest Company, said: “World Conservation Day is an excellent opportunity to celebrate and contribute to the preservation of our natural world.

“This day serves as a reminder of the critical role each individual, communities and businesses play in safeguarding the environment for future generations to come.

“But our work at The Future Forest Company doesn’t just centre around one day of the year.

“We work persistently throughout the entire year to support the environment and our natural habitats, and we’re pleased to announced we have reached yet another milestone in our tree planting efforts.”

The Future Forest Company launched their initiative in 2020, planting and maintaining a range of native broadleaf species and Scots pine trees across woodland sites in Scotland.

Dumyat was selected as one of the sites, alongside Brisbane Mains, Pleasantfield, Mill of Plunton, Montgreenan, Carston and Leadloch.

All 1.5 million trees were planted by hand to ensure they have the best chance of survival, with The Future Forest Company monitoring their growth.

Dumyat is the largest tree planting operation run by the company s far and also serves as an educational and research resource for Stirling University groups.

Jamie added: “The Earth is currently facing several challenges such as climate change, loss of habitat for wildlife, deforestation, and more due to the increasing pollution and heavy consumption of non-renewable resources.

“By planting more trees, not only can we help restore and protect natural habitats and endangered species, but we can also help combat climate change.

“I would like to say a huge thanks for the support of our corporate tree planting partners, individual sponsors and volunteers for all of their efforts in helping us to achieve this milestone."