A TULLIBODY man, who was more than four times over the limit, has been banned from the roads for four years and given unpaid work.

Shaun Dorricott, 34, of Glen Kinchie, appeared for sentencing at Alloa Sheriff Court.

He admitted that on May 26, at Fenton Street, Alloa and elsewhere, he drove with excess alcohol.

His reading was 90 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, the limit being 22 microgrammes.

Defence solicitor Robert Smith said it was "a gross error of judgement".

His client had received a call to say his father had fallen and had decided to drive to his aid after he could not book a taxi.

The court heard Dorricott has previous convictions for drink-driving and driving while disqualified.

Sheriff Neil Bowie imposed a community payback order with 300 hours of unpaid work.

Dorricott was also banned from driving for four years an until he passes the extended test.