COMMUNITY youth charities in the Wee County held a successful fundraiser last month as they fight to save their hall.

The Clackmannan Guides and Scouts, which encompasses registered charities Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Rangers and Scouts, have been fundraising over the past year to pay for vital repair works for their main base.

The groups are situated within their hall, located on Port Street in Clackmannan, and have noticed significant wear and tear to their roof and walls.

Last month, as reported by the Advertiser, the group launched an appeal for donations to help them cover costs, which came to an eye-watering £30,000.

As part of their fundraising, the charity held a craft fayre within the hall to allow people to see first hand the conditions in the hall.

The craft fayre was a reported success, shaving off a whopping £633 from their total.

Eirian Mckelvie, Rainbow leader and treasurer for the Clackmannan Guides and Scouts, expressed her gratitude for the donations they have received so far.

“It was quite busy which was great,” she said. “We were really pleased at how busy it was and we had people from all over the place coming down.

“It was good to know that the word had spread and it was really nice to see people supporting us.

“We managed to exceed expectations on the day, we raised over £600 which was just incredible.

“This has been our biggest fundraiser for the hall that we’ve held so far and this is now another wee bit extra to help us towards the goal.”

The Clackmannan Guides and Scouts are now overall just £10,000 from their final target to fix the roof.

The group is currently thinking of new fundraisers to hold and are considering the idea of an early winter craft fayre and a quiz night.

In the meantime, the group has set up a JustGiving link, which people can access and send over digital donations as they push towards their target.

The fundraiser has a brief description of the damage and what the money will be used for.

The JustGiving page can be accessed here.