A STIRLING man is set to make his debut at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival at the age of 81.

Jeff Stark, former creative director of Saatchi & Saatchi and founder of commercial films company Stark Films, is set to make way for the Scottish capital to make his first appearance for this year’s Fringe.

The Stirling man will be taking to the stage between August 12 and 24, barring August 18 for a one hour set.

Jeff will be holding an open mic session at the Greenside on George Street, following on from four years’ experience doing spots at his local Putney pub, which he wins on a regular basis.

Commenting on his show, he said: “I am fully continent, but concerned that I might s**t myself on August 12.

“However, if I don’t do this now while I have my marbles, I might never get around to performing at the Edinburgh Fringe and fulfilling my third ambition to win this year’s Best Newcomer at the Comedy Awards.”

After leaving high school in Stirling, Jeff started as an assistant advertising manager at Currys.

He was snapped up by the newly formed Saatchi & Saatchi in 1976, working with them for six years before he left to form the Hedger Mitchell Stark agency.

He won awards for campaigns with Irn Bru, Fosters Lager and British Rail during his career.

He formed Stark Films in 1991, working with the likes of Helen Mirren, Terrence Stamp, Stephen Fry and Graham Norton.

Jeff’s set will be commencing at 8.55pm during selected dates in August.