IT WAS the end of an era as Banchory Early Learning Centre held their last graduation ceremony for the foreseeable future.

The class of 2024 were seen off with a special ceremony celebrating their achievements and signalling the end of the ELC.

The kids were led out by Kyle Kinross, a piper from Lornshill Academy, before taking their places at the front of the PE hall watched on by family.

Banchory headteacher Gemma Kennedy delivered some opening words before handing over to the kids who performed some classics including Ye Canny Shove Yer Granny for the audience.

One by one, they went up to collect a goody bag and saw their teachers for the final time, before an official gift giving was carried out for some staff members.

Gemma performed a poem saying farewell to the kids and then lastly David Kerr, deputy head sung a song he had written to the tune of Mambo No. 5.

Speaking to the Advertiser after the ceremony, Gemma explained it had been a very emotional week, ending with the perfect send off for the kids.

“It was very emotional,” she said. “The team have worked really hard to get everyone prepared for today.

“The children were just amazing, they shone like little stars and the families were obviously all very proud but emotional at the same time.”

As reported by the Advertiser in October, budget cuts enforced by Clackmannanshire Council stopped admissions to the nursery, with pupils instead being split between neighbouring ELCs.

This was effectively seen as a closure for the ELC, with no pupils expected in August when the school year resumes.

Despite the changes, Gemma remains positive about the school and looked ahead to the next academic year commencing for the kids.

She continued: “The work that we have done this year has been very positive in terms of our children’s attainment and engagement and relationships with families.

“We have kids here who are really ready for primary 1 and we’ve got primary 1 going into P2 who have had a really good start.

“Next year, because our model has worked so well, we’ll be looking to replicate that as much as possible so it’ll be the same environment next year for the primary 1s – high adult to child ratio, access to outdoors, play and nurture based and we’ve seen how well it worked this year.”

Banchory ELC’s staff were also celebrated, with many departing for positions at other establishments as part of the shake up.

The school paid tribute to the entire staff team – comprised of Jenny McEwan, Susan Lyle, Annette Kelly, Stacey Fielding, Stacey Harrower, Melanie Hughes, Donna McCallum and a student teacher Katie Fielding.

As part of the week long celebrations to bring Banchory to a close, the kids held a fun day last Tuesday.

A face painter, bouncy castle and ice cream van were all in attendance as the school’s BEE Hive was well supported by the local community.

The school would like to pay thanks to Ballonzy Event Styling, Brian Stewart, House of Bounce, Pauline from Party Face Painting and Dan from Forth Valley Branding.

Gemma added: “It was lovely to celebrate the team, our children, our families that have supported us and stuck by us throughout what has been a tough year.

“We hope that nurseries that are still feeders to us still choose to come to Banchory for primary 1.”