POLICE in Alloa have taken action against illegal parking around a school.

According to social media, officers were at Sunnyside PS on Friday, June 21, to enforce "inconsiderate and dangerous parking" around the school.

Parents have previously highlighted concerns at Sunnyside when an online account was created to highlight illegal parking in 2021, as reported in the Advertiser then.

PC Reiter and PC Ritchie, community police officers covering Sunnyside PS, said on social media: "We have enforced illegal and careless parking in and around our schools, however, this behaviour continues.

"Parking in such circumstances puts the children attending the school in danger, most of the time, it's the children that the offenders are dropping off that we are trying to keep safe.

"We will continue work with the junior road safety officers - pupils - to get this message across, along with partnership working with the local authority regarding improvements in the roads around the school."

Earlier in the week, PC Reiter was in Dollar to carry out speed checks as part of the force's commitment to road safety in the Wee County.