AN ALLOA man has been given more time behind bars after being found with a knife in the grounds of a hotel.

Kieran Anderson, of Ashley Terrace, is currently in detention and appeared by video-link at Alloa Sheriff Court for sentencing.

The 20-year-old previously admitted that on December 31 at Inglewood House, Tullibody Road, Alloa, he was in possession of a kitchen knife.

He also shouted, swore, acted aggressively, made offensive remarks and threats of violence towards police officers.

He was also in possession of cannabis.

Depute fiscal Sarah Smith said at 5.20am police had received a call from Anderson claiming he had been attacked and “had gone to the hotel for refuge”.

When officers arrived, they found him in an intoxicated state and he was giving different reasons for being there.

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They then found a kitchen knife in his jacket pocket.

He said: “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that was in there.”

However, he then became abusive towards the officers and made threats about stabbing them.

The court was told Anderson had been jailed recently at Falkirk for 18 months for another matter.

Sheriff Neil Bowie sentenced Anderson to an additional 200 days in detention to run consecutively to his current term.