HUNDREDS of Wee County pupils gathered at Lornshill Academy recently to test their skills in an athletics competition.

The Sports Association Athletics Championships was hosted by Clackmannanshire Council’s sport and leisure team with some 500 young people from the Wee County’s three secondaries and ASN departments taking part on the day.

It marked the final sports event of the academic calendar with pupils competing across a range of disciplines including sprint events, a 4x100m relay, long jump, high jump, javelin, shot putt and more.

Points were given to the first six finishers in each event with hosts Lornshill winning the Secondary Shield for a second year in a row, topping the table with 621 points.

Organisers observed an extremely high standard on the day with many close-fought events and several records broken.

C Cameron, of Alloa Academy, beat the record in the S1 boys high jump at 1.5m, beating the previous record of 1.45m.

Then D McCulloch, of Lornshill Academy, beat the previous record of 36.97 in the senior boys’ 300m with a time of 36.53.

Thanks were given to all the volunteers who helped support council staff on the day.

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Prizes were presented by Robbie Stewart, senior manager for sport and leisure at the local authority.

People who would like further information on sport and physical activity in the Wee County can email or call 01259 452350.