A DOORMAN was assaulted during a row over a football top outside an Alloa nightclub.

The row kicked off when 38-year-old William Devaney tried to get into the venue when drunk and wearing a football jersey.

He was told that was not allowed which led to the employee being assaulted by Devaney and 21-year-old Holly Carruthers.

Devaney, of Gartmorn Road and Carruthers, of Main Street, both Sauchie, appeared for sentencing at Alloa Sheriff Court.

They admitted that on October 13 at Chalmers, Bank Street, Alloa, they assaulted an employee and whilst acting together, they pushed and pulled him by the body and seized hold of him by the neck, to his injury.

Depute fiscal Sean Iles said the incident occurred at around 11pm when Devaney was told he was not allowed into the venue wearing a football top.

The doorman was then assaulted and grabbed by the neck.

Defence solicitor Charlotte Watt said Devaney “doesn’t have a clear memory of it because of his intoxication”.

She added: “He says he is embarrassed about the incident”.

Sheriff Garry Sutherland imposed community payback orders on the pair and they will each have to do 100 hours of unpaid work.