SUSTAINABILITY was the message at an Alloa school as each and every child swapped toys.

As part of their school topics, the entire pupil body at Redwell Primary School took part in a sustainability swap event on Thursday, June 13.

Encouraged by their teachers, each child brought in a toy, puzzle, book or jigsaw and picked up a token that allowed them to walk away with a brand new toy from another pupil.

The event was a big hit with the kids, with teachers Colette McEwan and Lynzie Bryce delighted with the school’s dedication to sustainability.

Speaking to the Advertiser, Colette said: “As part of our classes' global goal, we were looking at sustainable cities and communities.

“We made that our class topic and we came up with how we could make Redwell focus on sustainability.

“We arranged a whole school event called a sustainable swap and our hopes were that every child in the school would donate something and then every child would receive something for free.

“We advertised for parents, the kids made posters and the children went round to promote the event and our primary 4s set up the stalls and run the whole afternoon.”

Children brought in a range of toys, books, jigsaws, puzzles, teddies, action figures and board games to swap with each other.

The kids also had to organise it into categories, separating the items into stalls which made it easier for them to find a new item they liked.

Colette added: “It was a big success, we were overwhelmed by the things that we got for our families in the school.

“Every child was buzzing, they all went home with something new and they were so excited by the Alloa Advertiser coming as well.”