A COMMUNITY group is appealing for donations to help pay for a new roof, with their building badly in need of repair.

Clackmannan Guides and Scouts have issued a plea following wear and tear damage to their hall, located on Port Street in the town.

The group is now beginning to hold fundraisers to help cover the costs of a new roof, with the first to take place this weekend.

Eirian Mckelvie, rainbow leader and treasurer for the Clackmannan Guides and Scouts, told the Advertiser the roof cannot be ignored for much longer.

She said: “A few years ago, we noticed it was leaking a bit over winter but then the leaks got progressively worse and worse.

“There’s now two areas where it’s been leaking, the walls and ceilings are damaged, there’s cracks in the walls from the weight of the roof not being distributed properly.

“The floor is starting to bellow now as well so it’s slowly but surely been getting worse over the years.

“Despite the huge cost, we now need to do something about it otherwise the whole building could collapse at this rate.”

The Clackmannan Guides and Scouts have earmarked the cost of a new roof to be an eye watering £30,000.

With that, the group has secured a grant which will cover a sizeable portion of the costs but are now appealing for members of the public to help.

As part of their fundraising drive, the group will be hosting a craft fayre within the hall.

This will allow people to come in and witness the damage first hand, with two areas of the hut now cordoned off for safety reasons.

Eirian added: “We’ve managed to get a grant for around half of what we need, so we need to raise £15,000.

“We’ve managed to whittle that down to £13,500 so we’re really looking for as much help as we can.

“Our craft fayre will take place in the hall itself – we’re hoping for this to advertise who we are, what we do and also give people an opportunity to see the damage first hand.”

The Guides and Scouts craft fayre will be held on Saturday, June 22 between 1pm and 4pm.