THE Euros might be in Germany this year, but they are in Clacks in spirit as two Tullibody primary schools held a joint football fundraiser.

Abercromby PS and St Bernadette’s RC PS held the annual event, to raise money for both schools on Friday June 7.

Tying into the European Championships this summer, the schools took each of their classes to the park across the street and set up various football activities for them to take part in.

Lauren Davis, primary teacher with Abercromby, told the Advertiser the fundraiser had been a big hit with children.

“It’s been really good,” Lauren said. “The kids are really enjoying it and luckily the sun came out for us.

“Everyone seems to be having great fun, there’s loads of different activities and it went really well.”

The two schools now share a building and are classed as a campus, which is the term given when two different schools share premises.

The fundraiser was organised and attended by both schools, with all the kids mixed up into groups to tackle various football themed activities.

Lauren added: “We’re on the campus now so it’s lovely to have them mixed together and see the children interact with each other.

“The kids have been loving it, some are getting quite competitive but they’re definitely loving it and having great fun.

“The kids love football so we thought the Euros would be a great theme for our fundraiser this year.”

The kids got to take part in five a sides, footgolf and dribbling and shooting drills.

The day-long fundraiser allowed every pupil across each class in both schools to take part, with the kids being rotated in and out as the day progressed.

Allyson Sloan, primary 6/5 teacher with St Bernadette’s RC, praised the fundraising efforts of the schools, explaining that the money raised will be a big help going forward.

“It’s been a very successful day now that the rain has cleared up,” Allyson said. “The children joining in with each other is a nice opportunity.

“We’ve got four stations here – five a sides games, some drills, footgolf activity and dribbling and shooting workshops.

“The feedback has been really positive so far, the classes have come away quite happy and they’ve got some sweet treats waiting for them back in school.

“The parents have been very supportive, we’ve got our raffle prizes and collected donations from local businesses.

“We’ve got our sweepstake and cake raffle which is going to help up so much going into the next school year.”