VOLUNTEERS at a valuable advice centre in Clackmannanshire were paid thanks for their efforts during a week long celebration.

The Clacks Citizen Advice Bureau (CAB) marked National Volunteer Week by celebrating the hard work and commitment of its 25-strong team of volunteers.

The CAB disclosed that in their last annual report, the bureau recorded a financial gain of more than £4 million.

This is income that, without the team at the CAB, would have went unclaimed but can now be put back into the local economy.

Jonny Miller, chief executive at the Clacks CAB, said: “At present, our bureau is facing a demand for advice at an unprecedented level.

“By the end of the year, we expect to have assisted with more than 40,000 individual issues.

“There is no way that our bureau would be able to fully accommodate the advice needs of the community without the hard work of our brilliant volunteer team.

“Despite more than 20 years working with volunteers, it never ceases to amaze me the dedication, professionalism and hard work put in, especially when dealing with both complex and emotionally demanding issues.”

Volunteer Week lasted from June 3 until June 9 and allowed groups and organisations around the country to pay tribute to the selfless people who give up their time to help others.

Nicola, who volunteers at the Clacks CAB, added: “Volunteering at the CAB has been a very positive experience.

“The adviser training programme has been really beneficial and has given me the knowledge to be able to provide practical, solution focused advice to all clients.

“It is so rewarding to make a difference to someone’s life.”

The Clacks CAB is currently looking to recruit new volunteers to their core general advice service.

No prior experience or qualifications are required, just the ability to provide impartial and empathetic advice on a range of issues.

Anyone interested in lending their services to the Clacks CAB can contact the team either by phoning 01259 219404 or by emailing bureau@clackscab.casonline.org.uk.