KEEN quizzers in Forth Valley are being sought to help organise a big summer quiz through the Marie Curie Centre.

Scotland’s leading end of life charity is appealing to local residents interested in making a difference in their community by hosting the fundraiser.

Marie Curie’s Big Summer Quiz is a fun excuse for a get together, with the charity providing all they need through their website.

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Charlotte Gilbert, community fundraiser for Forth Valley at Marie Curie, said: “Whether you’re a maths whiz or a hobby entomologist, put your brain power towards a great cause this summer by hosting or participating in a Big Summer Quiz to help support the crucial work Marie Curie does across the country.

“Today, one in four don’t get the care or support they need at the end of life. Living with a terminal illness is a rollercoaster of practical needs and emotions.

“For people experiencing dying, death or bereavement, there’s no guarantee that services available to them can meet all their needs 24/7 or that they will be supported emotionally to cope.

“Every pound raised is vital to help us improve end of life care and give people the vital emotional and practical help they need.

“For help now, contact our free Information and Support service on 0800 090 2309 or visit”

A support package for anyone interested in organising the Big Summer Quiz can be found at