GOOD weather and a good turnout were all that was required for Sauchie’s Gig in the Garden to be a hit.

Plenty people made the journey to the Sauchie Resource Centre on Saturday, June 8 for a full day of entertainment and attractions.

The kids got to enjoy getting their faces painted and petting the alpacas, who stopped by to surprise everyone.

For the adults, a stage was set up, allowing bands and choirs to wow the crowds with their musical talents.

Local acts such as the Sauchie Community Group Choir and fan favourites Scatoosh graced the stage, as did acts from further afield.

Kate Turner, communications officer for the Sauchie Community Group, was delighted with the turnout and passion for the singers.

“It’s been really successful,” Kate said. “We were worried about the rain and we thought we’d have to move it up to the church hall.

“It was a wee bit windy but the sun was shining and it’s been great and the turnout has been fantastic.

“Everybody got their face paint on and there were some people who have sat here since 12pm listening to all of the singers which is really nice.

“Everybody that provides entertainment does it out of the goodness of their hearts, it’s completely voluntary.

“We’ve had local groups in the Sauchie Community Group Choir and Scatoosh and a couple bands perform from us.

“We’ve had a singer come all the way up from England because he wanted to perform which has been quite exciting.”