THERE was an impressive turnout as residents and officials met in Kincardine to discuss concerns around a quarry and asphalt plant in Bogside.

A public meeting was held at Kincardine Community Centre on Monday, May 20, regarding Burrowine Moor Quarry and environmental concerns raised by residents at Bogside, as previously reported by the Advertiser.

Hosted by Kincardine Community Council, the meeting was packed with residents, politicians and a representative from Patersons Quarries.

MSP Shirley-Anne Somerville, who has previously received a number of “concerning reports” regarding silica dust being blown from the quarry among other issues, said: “The number of people who attended Monday's meeting highlights that this issue is not isolated to just a couple of households.

"The Bogside community came together to express their concerns about the quarry and asphalt plant and I will continue to work on their behalf to seek answers on their behalf.

"I was pleased that both Patersons and Fife Council agreed to attend and I am hopeful this can lead to better communication in future between all parties."

READ MORE: Residents issue plea over quarry

Patersons, which operates the quarry, previously told the Advertiser that the site is “undergoing a multi-million-pound investment that will deliver a technically advanced sand processing plant powered directly by a local wind farm” while dust, noise and silt emissions are being continually monitored.

The site is also home to an asphalt and concrete batching plant operated by the Hillhouse Quarry Group, which did not attend the event.

SEPA previously said the asphalt plant was compliant when last inspected; however, people living near the site are concerned over fumes being emitted while also raising issues around it being erected under permitted development.

West Fife representatives Cllrs Sam Steele and Graeme Downie, along with MSP Somerville it is understood, also paid a visit to the site ahead of the meeting (pictured).

Cllr Downie, who was unfortunately unable to attend the Monday meeting, said: “I know there’s a lot of local concerns around the quarry and asphalt plant.

“It was good to have a visit to the quarry last week, there was a lot of good information passed on about some of the work they are doing, but my sense is that local people are still to be persuaded or reassured.

“I think it’s encouraging the public meeting took place and that people from the quarry attended, but I don’t think the asphalt plant did.”

He added he was hopeful the community and the company can work together going forward.

It is understood a visit is being organised for residents and people in the community as well.

Cllr Steele explained how the centre was filled to the brim with residents for the meeting, including from Blairhall to the east of Bogside as they have also been experiencing issues with dust.

She said: “I think it went quite well, a lot of people came away with a few more questions than answers though, I think that was the main feeling.

“But there were action points that came from it and the quarry are going to organise a site visit for concerned residents.”

She explained concerns around asphalt fumes remained but people were glad to hear of phased remediation works to be carried out at the quarry.

The councillor added: “I think now Shirley-Anne has been on the case there have been things moving forward and hopefully it will be more collaborative work now.

“What we got told as well is that they are currently extracting 18hectares on site but they have planning permission to extract 37ha, which is massive, so it’s gradually going to be moving and moving.

“Things have to get dealt with before that expands, they should have been dealt with long before now but we are seeing improvements slowly.

“But residents still have concerns, understandably.”