EFFORTS to eradicate child poverty in the Wee County will be extended beyond Alloa, thanks to government funding.

The Scottish Government is set to provide additional funding to expand access to childcare services within Early Adopter Communities (EAC), including in Clackmannanshire.

EAC projects have been taking place since October 2022 to deliver on a commitment to design and build a system of school age childcare.

The funding has been welcomed in Clacks, where the Child Wellbeing Partnership, as part of the Family Wellbeing Partnership, has already brought together an innovative collaboration.

This has seen private and third sector partners work together to develop a range of childcare and activity services benefiting families across Alloa South and East.

EAC projects have been testing and developing a childcare offer for low-income families with young children up to end of primary school, which has enabled many parents and carers to complete training and education opportunities, gaining additional employment hours or securing employment.

First Minister John Swinney, who set out the eradication of child poverty as his government’s single most important objective, has announced additional funding of £16 million for EAC projects over the next two years.

Clackmannanshire Council explained this will enable the existing partnership to continue and extend beyond Alloa South and East.

This will involve working alongside families and the Scottish Government to continue to design, capture and share the learning on what makes a difference to families in tackling poverty and inequality.

READ MORE: Further funding for Clacks Family Wellbeing Partnership


Clacks Council leader Ellen Forson welcomed the announcement as it will “make a real difference in our communities”.

She said: “Clackmannanshire is leading the way in reforming how public services are designed and delivered to communities.

“The Family Wellbeing Partnership is working with third sector organisations and community groups here in Clackmannanshire to reshape the services that people want and need.

“This collaborative approach aims to make it easier for families to access the support they need, when they need it, to help families out of poverty and improve family wellbeing and outcomes.”

She added that with work streams by the Family Wellbeing Partnership, such as Safeguarding for Rapid Intervention (STRIVE), teams in the Wee County “are making a real impact for communities”.

Her enthusiasm was echoed by Sandra Clements, manager at Hawkhill Community Association, which has been working with the Family Wellbeing Partnership and residents successfully for more than a year.

She said the difference this has made has been “fantastic” and added: “People working more hours, starting new jobs for the first time in years and others going into training and further education.

"This fund has been a life changer for lots of families, it's great that this has been recognised.”

Speaking in parliament, Mr Swinney said: “In modern Scotland, it should not be a struggle to find fair work or to raise a family.

“So for me, and for my government, eradicating child poverty and boosting economic growth, go hand in hand.”