THE Fishcross National Wildlife Rescue Centre for the Scottish SPCA has launched an appeal urging people to keep a safe distance from grey seals.

The appeal comes ahead of the winter when seals can wash ashore to give birth, which is perfectly normal for them.

Chris Hogsden, centre manager, said: “As we come in to autumn and winter, we expect to care for around in excess of 100 grey seals.

“If you see a seal or pup on the beach, you may be concerned that they are stranded and need help.

“In most cases, it is actually perfectly normal for seals to spend time onshore, so this may not be a cause for concern.

“We would like to remind the public that if they spot a grey seal, they should keep a safe distance to not cause them any undue stress.

“Pleas also remember to keep any canine companions on a lead around wildlife. Never touch a seal or attempt to carry or chase them back into the sea.”

Further advice on seals can be found at