ONE of Scotland’s oldest Scottish Women’s Institute groups is celebrating its 90th year since it first formed.

The Blairlogie and District SWI, based in Menstrie, was first founded in 1933 and now attracts a membership of around 40 members from the Wee County.

Ray McLeod, president of the Blairlogie and District SWI, said she was delighted that the organisation is still going strong after almost 100 years.

She said: “The one thing that I always say to people is that friendship is one of the most important things you can take away from the SWI.

“It’s wonderful that it’s still going, especially given lockdown and the harsh winters we’ve had recently.

“Unfortunately, some of our older members haven’t come back since lockdown but we’ve got a really good committee that works together with them and encourages them.”

A group of long-standing members were joined by some special guests for a celebratory evening meal to mark the occasion, held at Menstrie Parish Church Hall on Tuesday, June 13.

Ray gave a speech outlining the history of the organisation, accompanied by a slideshow, and entertainment was provided by Meg Carroll, a talented local clarsach player.

Shona Storer, treasurer of the Blairlogie and District SWI, said: “Initially, we were going to have an afternoon tea but moved it to evening to accommodate more members.

“We had as many members as we could there and some guests from the Stirling, Clackmannanshire and West Perth Federation.

“We had a lot of chat and it was a good time – music, buffet, a speech from the president and a slideshow showing photos of us when we were younger.

“We’re a friendly group if you’re interested in crafts and baking and loads of things that are now quite fashionable. Come along and see if you would like to be part of the group.”

The Blairlogie and District SWI take part in various events throughout the year including a summer outing, setting up a craft stall at Menstrie Church Christmas Fayre.

The group also sets up tombola stalls to be displayed at the Halloween and Easter events run by Menstrie Community Council.

The SWI meet at the Menstrie Parish Church rooms 2 and 3 and will be holding their next meeting on Monday, September 11 at 7pm.

Anyone interested is free to head along and join or sit in as a visitor. The meetings are bring your own mug. Email for more information.